Lonely carrier

How attached those guys must have been to their troop carriers. 

This photo of one taken by Capt. Hayward implies a degree of pride and appreciation.  Of course these were at the forefront of technology at that time, if my memory serves me they were constructed by Vickers Armstrong UK.

After some research it is interesting to see that a total of 113000 were produced,with New Zealand producing 1300 and Australia 5000.These multi role vehicles weighed 3750 k/g were powered by an 85HP FordV8, with a maximum range of 250k/m an speed of 48kph.Usually with a crew of 4 and were well capable of operating a number of weapons including the Bren gun,mortar,anti-tank gun,anti-aircraft and heavy machine guns.


Hayward Family Rotorua. Denis Clough Archive.

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