Private Kira destroys spandau posts at Saterno

This citation for James Kira's Military Medal is reproduced from the April 1990 NZ 28 Maori Battalion Golden Jubilee Reunion booklet:   

801807 Private James Klra M.M.

Pte KIRA during the crossing of the SANTERNO river on 12 April, 1945, found the crossing on his platoon front very deep. Without hesitation he swam across and single handed, destroyed two spandau posts which were very close together. While engaged in dealing with these posts, he was fired upon by a sniper. Without thought for his personal safety he moved forward, located and destroyed the sniper post by which time the rest of his platoon arrived and everyone moved forward to fight to the final objective. During this action this soldier displayed courage of the highest order and his conduct was an inspiration to his fellow soldiers.

Submitted by mbadmin on

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