Lieutenant Harris leads his men across Saterno River

This citation for Ivon Harris' Military Cross is reproduced from the April 1990 NZ 28 Maori Battalion Golden Jubilee Reunion booklet:    

Lieutenant (T/Capt) Ivon G. Harris M.C.

Lieut (T/Capt) HARRIS commanded 'A' Company during the attack to establish a bridgehead over the river SANTERNO on 11 April, 1945. With dash and determination he led his men across the river, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. Immediately he consolidated on his objective, the enemy counter attacked with two TIGER tanks and infantry. Lieut (T/Capt) HARRIS though his company was without A/Tk guns or tanks, rallied his men to hold their ground and destroy the enemy infantry, which they ultimately did. This thrashing of the enemy caused his tanks to withdraw. Throughout the night the enemy counter attacked several times but was defeated thoroughly each time. Early in the morning of the next day, the bridge having being established and all tanks and support arms having arrived, Lieut (T/Capt) HARRIS, organised a fire plan which eventually inflicted many casualties on the enemy, resulting in the stemming of three enemy counter attacks by TIGER tanks and infantry. Throughout this action Lieut (T/Capt) HARRIS showed skill, resource and courage of the highest order and the success of his company was due entirely to his inspiring leadership.

Submitted by mbadmin on

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